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RNG Supports IV Season of the International Children and Youth Award ‘Ecology is Everyone's Business’


The company has been a partner of the project established by Rosprirodnadzor for the third year. The event aims to increase the environmental awareness of young people and their involvement in nature protection activity.

The call for applications for the fourth season of Ecology is Everyone’s Business Award started in October and will last until April 1. This time the deadlines were changed so that the winners and laureates had the opportunity to receive preferences when entering higher education institutions. So this year, the winners of 9 out of 12 nominations gained extra 2 points when applying to partner universities of the project.

Creative works will be accepted in 10 individual and 2 team nominations within the new season. Organisations engaged in environmental protection and education in this area for children under the age of 18 years can participate in the category ‘Ecosoyuz’. The nominations ‘Eco-education’, ‘Soul Ecology’ and ‘Ecotourism’ don’t have age limits.

The results of the fourth season will be summed up next year.
